showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Computer Brag Turtle Software1983 labelimageminimize
Hi-Lo Micro-Mart Software1983Hi-Lo is a guessing game. There's a amount of money in the jackpot, which is somewhere between 1 and 100. The player gets 6 guesses in which the number must be guessed or the game ends. After each guess the player learns if his guess was high or low. labelimagesubject
Truth Century Publishing1983This game was only released as a type-in program in the "Personal Computer World" magazine as well as a compilation book+cassette combo titled "Best of PCW - Software for the Spectrum". labelimagesubject
Pub Games Alligata (Dollarsoft)1986 labelimageminimize
Durak Copper Feet1991 labelimageminimize
Solitaire Softhouse1997Solitaire is my last "finished" program for the time being. "Finished" in quotation marks because option "draw three" is not finished.
Program is controlled by pointer.

More: [url=]Author's page[/url], [url=]WOS[/url], [url=]ZX Spectrum Games after 1993[/url]
[Softhouse Ltd.]